About Partnership

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Partnership is the means by which you connect to the work we are doing in our ministry; it’s also a way FSMMI connects to you.

Partnership is a covenant, a joining together in faith. Philippians 4:15, 17 says “Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only… Not because I desire a gift but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” Partnership gives us an opportunity to join forces together and make big things happen for the kingdom; things we couldn’t have been able to achieve, standing alone.

At FSMMI we believe the kingdom of God can meet any human need and particularly your personal needs. God’s desire is that you prosper in every area of your life. Whenever you partner with us, we come into agreement with you according to God’s plan.

The faithful participation of our partners has enabled us and continues to help us accomplish the work God has assigned to us as a ministry, of which charity to the underprivileged in our society is a major part.

When we come together in partnership, you can expect:

  • The satisfaction that comes from knowing that you are impacting lives and reaching far beyond your personal sphere of influence.
  • A harvest of abundant rewards; a multiplication of your seeds sown and the fruits of your righteousness increased.
  • Spiritual rewards, with blessings that go beyond this earth realm.
3 Ways To Partner With Us
  • Pray for the ministry.
  • Invite people to our conferences and seminars
  • Give financially towards our Charity projects and Ministry programs.
Our partners are our treasures because they not only believe in our vision, they have put action behind their believing. Every partner remains in our prayers at all times, because their testimonies matter to us.
To become a prayer partner and join the invitation team for our programs, kindly send an email to programs@fsmmiandyou.org
As we always say in FSMMI, ‘Some of us are better than some of us, but none of us is better than ALL of us.’
To partner financially with us kindly use the button below

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