Weekly Nights of Petition

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  • Weekly Nights of Petition
The Night of Petition (NOP) is our weekly time of fellowship and communion with our Father.
As a ministry we believe there is a God that answers prayer that also wants a relationship with his Children.

We pray together every Thursday night, from 9pm-10pm Nigeria time.
It is an atmosphere of praise, worship and intercession.

Though it is a virtual meeting, we see it as our own Shiloh and God has been faithful towards us as testimonies abound of God’s goodness.
The last Thursday of every month, the NOP holds in our Zoom room http://bit.ly/FSMPR2020. Every other Thursday, we pray on our WhatsApp parent group. Kindly send a mail to programs@fsmmiandyou.org to get added.
We look forward to receiving you.
God called us, not only to pray, but so He can answer. The days are evil, but evil CANNOT prevail when we pray.

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